Work With Me Coaching

1:1  Coaching

You don’t have to be great to get started but you have to get started to be great.

– Les Brown

I am Jessica Jocelyn – intuitive, wisdom keeper, activator, liberator, disruptor, purpose guide, dream-weaver, modern shaman, teacher, soul coach, soul whisperer…

The most favorite aspect of my work is coaching. My personal healing journey ignited the fire in my soul to share my story and ability to connect with the souls most intimate desires in life. Being able to see the transformation from the most vulnerable state to an empowered & mindful sentient being is pretty amazing.

My coaching style is guided by my intuition, spirit guides, and of course the clients soul & divine team. In my coaching practice there is no judgement or dogma. LGBTQ+ community welcomed here! The angels & guides are the one’s who give me the scoop of the situation and keep it real with how much work you are putting in you and aligning to whatever you are focusing on manifesting and the soul is the voice of wisdom. I do use my intuitive abilities to tune into you and begin to shift your energy to align to the energetic blueprint of your ultimate goal.  

Because I offer a high level of care and attention to my coaching clients, I can only accommodate a small number at a time. So, if you are interested in working with me, please schedule a complimentary Discovery Call.  If you and I are a great fit, I’d love to support you on your journey.


I stand, you stand; together, we rise.


Are you ready to reprogram, align & co-create? If this resonates with you, let’s make magic!


Jessica Jocelyn

Ready for change! Learn to take responsibility & accountability. Learn to thrive with vital & mindful tools. Real life approach and hands on techniques with real concepts to reclaim your spiritual sovereignty and receive validation and peace. Stepping outside the box. Focused intention to open heart + mind, and to learn more about YOU. Cleansing & purifying. Let’s dissolve the programming that is preventing you from connecting to your authentic selve.


Bridging the unconscious & conscious and making connections. Learning to trust self while reclaiming your sovereignty. Learning self-honor & unapologetic truth. Setting & breaking boundaries. Focused on learning to make mindful choices & strengthening discernment. Learning to balance the masculine & feminine energy.  Reawakening to your soul purpose and aligning back to it.

Making magic in real life. Learning to be conscious of what the soul desires and what the ego wants.  Making sh*t happen consciously while learning to align to the rhythm of the Universe. Learning to mindfully & graciously create the reality that you desire to be a part of without limitations or old programming.  Connecting to the wisdom of the soul that has been dormant and now reignited.

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