Mindblown: a blog about philosophy.

  • Real Tea On Soulmates

    via GIPHY A life of emotional and mental torture, suffering, and emotional masochism. It has become so intriguing to me why some people have this amazing connection and attraction towards each other. Physically you can see the body language sending signals to one another. The energetic connection is real and intense. Clearly the bodies crave…

  • Am I being haunted?

    Many times I get clients that worry about their homes being haunted. Many times they believe it may be something demonic or a ghost. But do haunted houses really exist?  Before my spiritual awakening, I didn’t understand what a haunted house really was. I saw many horror movies that depicted a home with demons and scary…

  • Psychic or Not

    I don’t want to be labeled a psychic. My dilemma is that I don’t want to be your typical Miss Cleo psychic that you can call for generic guidance. Yes, I have amazing abilities that allow me to see beyond 3D, but I don’t want to use my abilities to answer questions that you can answer for yourself. We…

  • Lucid Dreams

    Months ago I used to help an acquaintance with her most diverse or peculiar unsolved client cases. She’d contact me when she’d  hit a roadblock in some of her clients cases or when she needed some guidance and the help of my angels. Before her phone call, I already had a download of what the issue was…

  • Pablo’s Visit

    It had been 2 yrs since Pablo had ran away. After the birth of my second son, he became jealous and started sneaking out and coming back in couple of days. Pablo was a peculiar cat, so affectionate and intelligent. During my pregnancy, he loved to lay next to me as I slept and feel Oscar moving on…

  • The Beginning: Get to Know Me

    Two years ago I thought I was losing my mind. I had diagnosed myself with schizophrenia and thought I’d spend the rest of my life in a psych ward. The voices in my head where hard to ignore. Having a Bachelors in Science and having focused most of my upper level studies in scientific evidence…

  • Catalyst of Love

    Why do I keep getting the same message? Every morning when I wake up, I connect with my divine team and sometimes I pull an oracle card out to focus my week on. For weeks I kept getting the same message. Forgiveness. I’ve been on this inner healing journey for a while now and forgiveness…

  • Empathy

    Since I was a child I didn’t understand why I could pick up others feelings, emotions & thoughts. I struggled to differentiate my own shiz vs. others emotionals. I know T.V. glamourises this ability but sometimes it’s just a brain f**k. Pardon my French, but that’s just what it feels like.        …

  • There’s going to be a car accident…

    As I’m driving to pick up my first born from school, I hear “there’s going to be a car accident, not you, your safe.” My natural instinct puts me on high alert and my driving anxiety is heightened. I call on archangel Michael for protection and I’m quickly soothed with comfort as I hear “just drive…

  • Stormy Dream

    One of the ways that the universe and my divine team sometimes communicates with me is through my dreams. Sometimes my dreams  seem like a warning or caution and other times just as an FYI. Last night I had a very vivid dream that I was caught in the middle of a bad storm. The…

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